Sunday, September 30, 2007

Rainy Days and Sundays

I love the rain, especially when it is accompanied by lightening and thunder. I was laying in bed this afternoon, just chillin and watchin football. Contemplating a nap. A nice storm rolled through and created an almost perfect Sunday. The only thing that would have made it perfect would have been the temperature outside. It is still hanging around 80 degrees. I would much prefer 60 degrees.

What else did I do today...absolutely nothing. I got up with my dogs this morning at 5:30AM for their breakfast (yes, my dogs get up THAT early. Every. Day.) and did a couple of homework assignments so that I wouldn't have to worry about them later in the day. I watched a couple of TV shows that I had recorded earlier in the week. Most definitely a lazy day.

I'm not really looking forward to getting up tomorrow morning. I think we should have vacation time like the Europeans. I think they get like... six months off of work throughout the year. (It may be less, perhaps more?). Can you imagine? I would take every other month off. How awesome would that be?

Pretty awesome.

Alright, I'm off to watch Dexter and Brotherhood.

Peace out.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Late Night Ramblings

It is not really "late night", but it is late for me. It is 11:22PM on a Friday and I am exhausted. However, there are a few things that are fresh on my mind.

1. We are waiting on the world to change. - Thanks John, we've been waiting since that song was released.

2. Psychology and Economics homework is NOT fun on a Friday night. Especially for F I V E and a half hours. Intellectual ability equals intelligence and the mortgage industry is being a "Debbie downer". Fun. Stuff.

3. I have the cutest dogs ever.

4. Cats suck.

5. It is bed time.

Nighty night.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Soundtrack To My Life

Thanks to my good pal "D" for this one.

1. Open your library (iTunes, winamp, media player, iPod)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that’s playing
5. New question– press the next button
6. Don’t lie and try to pretend you’re cool

Here is the soundtrack to my life:

Opening Credits:
Follow - Brandi Carlile

Waking Up:
Technicolor Lover - New Radicals

First Day At School:
A Little Bit Of Love - New Edition (Hilarious!)

Falling in Love:
Party - Boston

Breaking Up:
Mysterious Ways - U2

Foo Foo - Santana

Life’s Okay:
The Mixed Tape - Jack's Mannequin

Mental Breakdown:
We Are The Normal - Goo Goo Dolls

Haven't Seen For A While - Pat McGee Band

Hate This Place - Goo Goo Dolls

Getting Back Together:
Rise - Kinnie Starr

Elsewhere - Sarah McLachlan (Perfect)

Birth of a Child:
Mean To Me - Billie Holiday

Final Battle:
After The Love - Brian McKnight

Death Scene:
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - The Beatles (I swear! I did not cheat!!!)

Funeral Song:
The Hurting Time - Annie Lennox (Aw, sad)

End Credits:
Crying Over - Patty Griffin

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Ok, so..

Obviously, it has been quite some time since I posted to this blog. Clearly, everything else must be more important. The only reason that I posted to my blog today was because I was going through my blog links via my IE Favorites. I clicked on my blog and noticed that all of the beautiful formatting I had done, was gone. So, I went in and put up this generic bullshit until I decide to dedicate a chunk of my precious time to make it look cool, once again.


Sunday, September 17, 2006

Supply and Demand

Amos Lee will be releasing a new album.

I'm so happy. I looooooooove me some Amos Lee.

One Word Survey

Here's how it works.
You can only type ONE WORD!
NO explanations!

1. Yourself: Cold
3. Your hair? Red
4. four? Huh
5. Your Father? Humorous
6. Your Favorite Item? iPod
7. Your dream last night? None
8. Your Favorite drink? Water
9. Your Dream Car? Acura
10. The Room You Are In? Living
11. Your Ex? Cheater
12. Your fear? Heights
13. Where you want to be in 10 years? Here
14. Who you hung out with Yesterday? Brynn
15. What You're Not? Mean
17. One of Your Wish List Items? Pool
18. Last thing you did? 17
20. What You Are Wearing? Hoodie
21. Your Favorite Weather? Fall
22. Your Favorite book? Dunno
23. The Last Thing You ate? Eggs
24. Your Life right now? Full
25. Your Mood? Somber
26. What are you thinking about right now? Football

Saturday, August 12, 2006

The ABC's of me...

A is for age: 27

B is for beer of choice: Boulevard Wheat

C is for career: Customer Service

D is for your dog's name: Bella & Garbo

E is for essential item you use everyday: iPod

F is for favorite fast food place: Wendy's

G is for favorite game: Snood

H is for Hometown: Lawrence, KS

I is for instruments you play: Guitar, Clarinet, Trumpet

J is for favorite juice: Apple

K is for who you would like to kiss: Brynn

L is for last place you ate: At Home

M is for favorite movies: One of them, You've Got Mail

N is for full name: Jessica Marie Hansen

O is for overnight hospital stays: Zero

P is for phobias: Heights, Spiders, Wasps

Q is for quote: "Eat, Drink & Be Merry"

R is for your biggest regret: I don't have one yet.

S is for status: Partnered

T is for time you wake up: 6ish

U is for underwear you're currently wearing: Uhh....

V is for vegetable you love: Cucumbers

W is for worst habit: Occasionally I'll bite my nails

X is for x-rays you've had: Foot & Hand

Y is for yummy food you ate today: I haven't eaten yet

Z is for zodiac sign: Cancer

Monday, July 03, 2006

Happy 3rd?

Not really. I wonder if the majority of the population is working today. It certainly doesn't feel like it.

I know I'm at work... and it sucks.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Motivation & Renovation

I haven't been the slightest bit motivated to start working on my house. I guess the first thing it takes is money, which I don't have a whole lot of at this point. I'll get there, eventually. I just don't feel like spending a zillion days working down in my basement trying to filter through twenty seven years of junk that I've collected. Bleh.

On the other hand, I *was* motivated to redesign my blog. You likey?

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Miss me?

So, you may have thought that I died from heart break becuase my Lady Jayhawks were unable to handle the pressure. Never fear, I'm still here.

Things have been mad crazy lately. Brynn was promoted at work and now she's "Meeting Girl" and constantly in meetings. She leaves early for work and comes home late. We bought a new truck (SUV) so we've been enjoying that quite a bit. I finally got rid of my old Honda Accord. It was quite sad. Right after we got the truck we had a huge hail storm come through and guess what? That's right, hail damage on the new vehicle. We also got quite a bit of hail damage on our house so we had to turn in some claims to the insurance company for the roof, siding and gutters. Fun stuff.

We've been hanging out quite a bit with our good friends R and D. They have a little girl named Ella who is the cutest thing EVER. We baby sit all the time and silently wish she was ours. LOL She looooves airplanes so we took her to the Lawrence Air Field and she got to sit in one. She's such a great kid!

Other than that... we just hang. We're getting ready to do some major renovations to our house so this will probably be the only post anyone sees in a while. I'll try to be better.