Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Kenzie was born ten and a half years ago, late in my Aunt & Uncle's marriage. They already had Keisha who was ten when Kenzie was born so... obviously, they are ten years apart. Anyhow, they have always been WAY into dancing and I just recently found out that this lil stinker's dance squad went to New York City over the 4th of July and took FIRST place in a National dance competition. Not only that, her squad was on the Today show and got to meet Katie Couric and Matt Lauer.

As you found out WAY below... she dressed as Mike from Monsters, Inc. She also put on this cow costume and walked around on all fours pretending to actually BE a cow and eat grass. LOL!

This is her being cute, doin the splits and also sledding down a sand pile that my Uncle was working hauling down to their beach. Oh yeah... and she was catching toads and taunting me with them. LOL I don't have pictures of that... fortunately.


I was born in Michigan but when I was four my dad was transferred to Kentucky where we lived for a year. Then right after my fifth birthday we moved to Kansas. I did all my growing up here and we typically visited Michigan every couple of years. My family would come down as well but I never really got the privilege of growing up with my family near.

Whenever we would go to visit we would always spend lots of time with Grandma & Grandpa. My Grandpa passed away on November 6th, 2004 so I had to go back up for the funeral after I had just been with Brynn in September. It was heartbreaking seeing my Grandma so sad. Anyways, when we would leave to go home on our trip, my Grandma always stood outside on her porch and waved goodbye. It was the one true memory that I will always keep of my Grandma... that and the day we laughed so hard at the complete NASTINESS of a meatball sandwich from a bunk ass restaurant. Woops, got off track. Anyway... Grandma always used to wave goodbye. When Brynn and I were there in September (see below) I got a picture of it so that not only will I have it in my memory, I will always be able to see it and cherish it once she is gone.

Grandma will never read this, she isn't tech savvy at 85 but I felt I needed to say it anyway. I love you Grandma!


Back in September of 2004 Brynn and I took a trip to Michigan to see our families. That is one thing we had in common when we first met. We both had families there. We had so much fun and spent a lot of time with her family and then mine, went swimming, boating, had a huge camp fire. It was a blast. Here are some pictures from our trip we took tons of them while we were there but I just wanted to share a few.

This is on our way out of Kansas City... sorry it's blurry. It was early.

This is Grant man, flexin for the camera... sorry it's foggy. It was humid.

Parker Lane in the pool, this one actually turned out well!

Mmmm, wine... and it's FREE!

Back roads of Michigan, LOVE the trees.

The view from my Aunt & Uncle's kitchen window. Scram Lake (Yes that is really the name)

The view from their 'beach' on the lake. I call this: "Sunset after a rain."

Is it an alien? Well no, it's the Mike Wazowski from Monster's, Inc.

I take it back, it wasn't Mike Wazowski above, it was my cousin Kenzie.

I don't know

This one is pretty damn cute too.

The Rootah

How cute is this fucking dog? She's a bit ratty right now but she was out in the rain earlier. I took this about 30 minutes ago.

Friday, July 22, 2005


I am just testing this stupid ass font. I can't get this damn blog to recognize a specific font. If anyone reads this and knows how to do it. HELP ME!

School Supplies!

From the time I was just a wee child to even now, I have loved purchasing school supplies. My mom and I would go out shopping every year and pick out the long list of items that I had to have for school and it was my most favorite time of year. (Except when school actually let out for the summer!) I'll still occasionally walk through the school supplies isle just to get that feeling back of walking through the store with my mom.

Now that I am all grown up and I obviously don't have children, I get to enjoy buying for OTHER kids. Every year my company adopts several children from low income families and we buy school supplies for them. Brynn and I adopted two children this time around. A 6th grade little girl named Erika and a 3rd grade little boy named Frederick. We get a list of all the school supplies they need for the year as well as clothing & shoe sizes if they need them or if we request them.

I LOVE doing this, I love going out and buying the school supplies and little shirts & pants for the kids. It always makes me feel so good that even though I'm not providing for one of my own, that some child out there is getting what they need to get through the school year.

Hooray for weekends.

Clearly I don't have much to say since I haven't posted in a couple of days. I've been reading a LOT and that kinda keeps me away from the computer. We have decided that it is a movie weekend. We will have these from time to time where we rent a shit load of movies and sit on our asses ALL weekend. It's so freakin hot outside right now that we decided it was the perfect weekend to do this. Not sure what's out there as far as movies go, we really haven't done the whole 'movie weekend' thing in a really long time what with buying and fixing up a house.

I will probably end up posting what movies we rented & mini reviews towards the end of the weekend. But don't count on it. haha.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Has there ever been a time in your life when things have just suddenly changed for the better? Four and a half years ago my life was in complete shambles. I didn't have any type of direction, I was not in a solid relationship and I was very angry all of the time. I met Brynn online in February of 2001 and THAT is what changed me forever.

Like I mentioned above, Brynn and I met online in February of 2001. It was an accidental meeting, I was online surfin around (unhappy in my inebriated state) and I popped on to
www.gay.com into the Kansas chat room. I was living in Iowa at the time but I knew that I would be moving back to Kansas soon so I thought, why not make some friends? When I joined, there were three people in there, including Brynn. The other two people must have been deep in conversation so I started talking to Brynn. We spoke of music, animals, things that make us happy, family... everything you could imagine. We talked for a LONG time that night. I couldn't stop thinking about her but I was in a current relationship (a VERY unhappy one) and I didn't want to cheat, but I didn't want to let her go either. We had so much in common right from the start that it seemed like some sort of cosmic force that pulled us together. I'm not one to believe much in things like that but I think that I found Brynn for a reason. She was just about to leave the chat room when I had joined up.

Things progressed with Brynn and I couldn't get enough of her. I was able to admit that I was in a relationship but that I would do anything to get out of it and be with her. I did break up with my ex not long after I met Brynn. I knew that the situation I was in was not going to last much longer anyway and I wanted to be the person to end it.

After several months of traveling, talking on the phone, e-mail, chat, etc... I moved home to Kansas and we moved in together. What's that joke about lesbians & u-hauls? (hehe) Anyhow, four and a half years later we are still going strong. This is where it gets mushy & gross, fair warning.

Brynn - From the moment that I met you online, I knew we had a special connection. The first time I looked into those big blue eyes I knew that those were the eyes I wanted to see every day for the rest of my life. I couldn't be any happier in my life than where I am at right now. You have brought back the person I once was and put to rest the person that I didn't like. You are the one true thing in this life that I could never live without. You are my laughter, my tears, my courage, my fear.. my everything. I promise you that I will never do anything to hurt you and I will always strive to make our lives happy and full. You have made my life complete.

I love you.

Saturday, July 16, 2005


I have been in quite the mood to read over the past few weeks and I have read several books that I have enjoyed. During the summer months I tend to read a little more because it's so damn hot outside that I can't hardly stand to be out there. Then in the fall, my time outdoors increases and we take walks, take the dogs to the park, etc. Winter comes and it's back to reading. Here is a small list of the books that I have read in the past two weeks.

Half Moon Scar - Allison Green
The Best of Friends - R.J. Stevens
One for the Money - Janet Evonovich
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants - Ann Brashares

Up Next -
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince - J.K. Rowling
Fingersmith - Sarah Waters
Holy Hell - Elizabeth Sims

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Brynn and I love Farrah!

That is all. :) Don't fuss Sybil, we were only jokin with ya.

Birthday Weekend

It's been a while since I've posted anything. I guess I have either been extremely busy or just lazy. Two completely different ends of the spectrum eh? Oh well.

Friday the 8th was my 26th birthday and it was a fantastic day. While I was getting ready for work, Brynn made chocolate chip muffins and had them in "Happy Birthday" muffin cups which were so incredibly cute. On to work I went where I only had to spend a half day, thank goodness. My company is kind enough to give a half day of vacation on your birthday so I high tailed it out of there around noon. I was anticipating that Brynn would already be home from work (she scheduled a half day as well) but when I got home, the house was empty. Although I did have two of the cutest puppy dogs sleepily greet me at the door. When Brynn got home, I was told to stay in the back of the house while she prepared my birthday gift. When I walked into the kitchen, she had a small birthday cake with the "2" & "6" candles ready to be wished upon. I then got to open my cards and birthday gift. I received a PINK Boston Red Sox hat (and YES, I wanted it pink) and a new CD holder that fits onto the visor in my car. This one is special though, it has a Kansas Jayhawk on it so when you flip it down, it can be seen by all. Tight stuff, I'm tellin ya! I loved both of my gifts!

After a while, we decided to run out and get our KU Volleyball season tickets ordered and then head off to Borders Books to pick out some more stuff for my birthday. I got about four different books and then we headed back home.

My grumpy ass decided to lay down to read but I fell asleep for a good three hours and I had to get up and get ready for my birthday dinner. Brynn was trying to keep everything a surprise but she can't fool me. My mom & step-dad came out for dinner and it was a big 'secret' even though I figured it out. When I had talked with my mom earlier in the week she said she couldn't come out and I thought... "OK... when has she EVER declined seeing me on my birthday?". Umm... never. So, we had a nice dinner with my mom and step-dad and then took a drive out into the country where we had the windows down and cruised along rural roads listening to Jason Mraz. It was very peaceful and I enjoyed every minute with my girl because she always makes my birthday so special.

On Saturday, we did a lot of yard work, cleaned the house and then prepared for our "House warming/Birthday" party. We had about 15 people there and it was a blast with a lot of laughs. (Hey? Did that rhyme?)

Sunday, we hung around the house and then decided to go to my Dad's house for the afternoon. We ate chicken & watermelon (along with some other stuff), watched TV and just kinda chilled out. Brynn and I were both nursing tiny hangovers so it was nice just to relax.

It was a great weekend and I enjoyed all the time I got to spend with family & friends. Plus I get to start fresh on a whole new year.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

A little miffed.

This morning I was on my way to work and I saw a Jeep Cherokee with the license plate "DMBLND". I'm assuming that meant Dave Matthews Band Land but the thing that struck me as odd... she had a Bush/Cheney sticker on her window.

DMB is SO opposite of what Bush and his cronies stand for.

What is this person thinking? It's a bit of a slap in the face for me, I'm so anti-GW that I find it embarassing that another fan of DMB is a Bush Backer.


Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Bush In Drag.

I think the picture speaks for itself.


Monday, July 04, 2005

Happy 4th!

The 4th of July has always been on of my favorite holidays. Strictly because I love the fireworks and all the stuff that goes along with it. Hot dogs, beer, etc etc.

We will be staying in tonight... our dogs completely wig out at the sound of anything loud so we want to make sure that everything stays OK here on the home front.

I've been doing some additional work to another
blog for my family & friends to see all the progress that is being done to our house. It is a work in progress so check back often!

Still plenty left to do and right now it's in the 'funny lookin' stage. It certainly needs some color & landscaping. That's next on the list!

That's all I know for today!

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Boredom has set in.

A- Age: 25

B- Band you're listening to: Indigo Girls

C- Crush: Forever crush on my one and only Brynn

D- Dad's name: Marcus

E- Easiest person to talk to: Brynn

F- Favorite ice cream: Not a fan but if I have to choose, Chocolate

G- Gummy worms or gummy bears?: Yuck

H- Hometown: Born in Greenville, MI - Grew up in Shawnee Mission, KS

I- Instruments: Guitar, Clarinet, Saxaphone, Trumpet, Radiooo

J- Junior high: Antioch Middle School

K- Kids: Don't have any

L- Longest car ride ever: Overland Park, KS to Orlando, FL

M- Mom's name: Sandra

N- Nicknames: Jess, Jessie, Jessa, Jessimica, Jessimer

O- One wish: To be with the one I love forever.

P- Phobia[s]: Needles, Doctors, Heights... I could go on and on.

Q- Quote from you: Hollah!

R- Reason to smile: Brynn, Waking up every morning, my dogs

S- Song you sang last: Least Complicated - Indigo Girls

T- Time you woke up today: 8:34AM

U- Unknown fact about me: I can juggle.

V- Vegetable[s]- Mmm.. love veggies. Favorite is Cucumber.

W- Worst habit: Used to be smoking, biting nails. I have quit both of those.

X- X-rays you've had: Thumb & Ankle

Y - Years since you've been to church?: 13?

Z- Zodiac sign: Cancer

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Rabid Beasts!

OK... so a squirrel isn't a beast but I wanted to capture your attention. Last night, we're sitting down watching Kinsey and we hear sirens. I didn't pay any attention to it until it started coming down our street and then I noticed it was an ambulance. Five minutes later, a fire truck follows. It went down to the other end of the street and well, I was too lazy to walk down there and be the nozy ass that I am so I just went back inside.

About an hour later... we're still watching the movie and there is a knock on the front door. This is about 9:30PM and we thought it was kinda weird considering we don't really know anyone in the neighborhood yet. (Side Note: If you have ever seen the movie "Kinsey" you know it's filled with a bunch of sex stuff... the particular part in the movie was talking about QUEERS *gasp* and our front windows were open so I'm sure the neighbors appreciated fag speak when they walked up. haha.) Anyway! The neighbor who showed up, her name is Rachel (I'm not about keeping identities safe, just so you know) and she was like... "I just thought ya'll should know that a squirrel with rabies bit a kid down the street and I know you have dogs so I thought you should know and I also feed the squirrels so I was a little worried myself...". Oh my GOD. She talked for five minutes about this damn squirrel. I said.. "Well, that's what rabies shots are for! Night!"

I hope the kid is OK.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Highlights of my week.

Not in any particular order.

1. Several compliments on my new hair cut.
2. Kitchen is slowly coming together with drawers & cabinet doors.
3. Will be moving to Salary instead of hourly.
4. Note above: Nice. big. fat. raise.
5. Lots of rain, smaller water bill.
6. Three extra hours of not working to go out and buy THIS. (Sorry you can't see it very well, it's a picture of downtown Kansas City)
7. Early birthday card from Grandma with 50 bucks in it.
8. It's Friday.
9. Still Friday.
10. Three day weekend!


I don't typically drink a whole lot of coffee. Generally it's a mug full in the morning and that's satisfying enough to get me through the day. I will make it in the morning before I leave for work, sip on it throughout the drive and then finish it up during my morning. (I love my Starbucks mug, keeps things nice and toasty!). Sometimes I will venture into our lil break room area and pour another cup, add a little cream and sugar and be on my way.
I walked into the break room yesterday and there was a cup sitting next to the coffee maker with plastic stir dealies, sitting in coffee infested DIRTY water. I couldn't believe what I was seeing... who wouldn't go out and buy some of those disposable stirrers so that people aren't using germ infested plastic utensils that have been sitting in dirty water for GOD knows how long? I'm so lucky that my mug has a nice tight lid that I can just shake up my coffee to mix in the perfect blend of cream & sugar.

On a side note: I will not be having coffee from there ever again. That totally turned me off to the whole 'company coffee'. Yuck.