Friday, December 30, 2005


Ahhh, once again the Holidays are almost over. After they end, I always feel so... sad? I guess that is the word I am looking for. It just feels like everything is coming to a close, the year has ended, Christmas is over and it's time to do it all over again.

I had a really good time during my little vacation. Brynn and I went out to Wamego, KS to visit her family and friends. We stayed out there for two days and then hit both of my parents' house on Sunday. Monday we took the dogs on a long ass hike and then did some shopping. It seemed like we didn't have MUCH of the weekend to ourselves, but it was nice to be away from work for a while.

Tomorrow, New Years Eve... another year, here we come. I cannot BELIEVE it is 2006 already, where does the time go? Just yesterday it felt as if we were ringing in 2000 and everyone was so worried that the world was going to crash. Maybe they'll be a bit more prepared for the year 3000? If we're all around to see that!

Anyway, Brynn and I have decided to stay home. I have to work tomorrow morning for end of year crud but it's only a short while. We'll watch some TV, drink some alcohol goodness and chill. Probably the safest bet with all the crazies runnin around.

On a side note, my Kansas Lady Jayhawks are 10-0 and we're going for history tonight folks. If the Lady J's can hit 11-0 they set a new record for best start in KU Women's Basketball history. We play LaSalle... let's see if we can do it!

Happy New Year to all and be safe!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

What does YOUR birthday mean?

Thanks Far-UH.

Your Birthdate: July 8

Watch out Donald Trump! You've got a head for business and money.
You'll make it rich some day, even if you haven't figured out how yet.
A supreme individualist, you shouldn't get stuck in a corporate job.
Instead, make your own way - so that you can be the boss.

Your strength: Your undying determination

Your weakness: You require an opulent lifestyle

Your power color: Plum

Your power symbol: Dollar sign

Your power month: August

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Snow day!

Almost a foot of snow here in Northeast Kansas so I've decided that I am not going into work today. It's a day of hangin out, surfin the web, watchin junk on television and sippin cider. I haven't ventured outside yet, it's like 20 below out there so these are all taken from a crack in the back door.

I love winter!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


YaY!!!! It's about time, I was getting completely sick of the 70 degree weather in the middle of November!

Garbo & Bella say HI!

Friday, November 25, 2005

Getting to know you - Holiday edition

1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot Chocolate
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Wrap em up!
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? White
4. Do you hang mistletoe? Nope, I don't need mistletoe to get a smooch
5. When do you put your decorations up? LOL Probably a couple days before Christmas
6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)? Mashed potatoes
7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child? Waking my parents up at 3:00 A.M. to open presents.

8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? My brother told me there wasn't an Easter Bunny, then my mom had to break the news about Santa. I was about nine.
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? I beg and I plead but Brynn won't let me.
10. What kind of cookies does Santa get set out for him? When I was a kid, chocolate chip & milk.
11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? Loooooooooooooooooove it!
12. Can you ice skate? Nope.
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? I've received so many good ones over the years, so no, I can't.
14. What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you? Being able to spend it with my family.
15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert? I love applie pie, we always has Russell Stover candies around as well.
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? We never really had any traditions other than getting up at the ass crack of dawn, I still do it to this day. I love Christmas.
17. What tops your tree? When I was a kid, an Angel. We don't put one up because of the animals.
18. Which do you prefer, giving or receiving? Giving!
19. What is your favorite Christmas Carol? It's a toss up between "O Holy Night" and "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas"
20. Candy Canes! Yuck or Yum? Yummy! Eh, not my favorite.


My Thanksgiving was fantastic. We left home yesterday about 11:30AM and went Brynn's sisters house. When we got there, dinner was ready and we were ready to eat. Unfortunately, Brynn's sister had been sick the night before and the morning of so she was uncomfortable throughout the day. Brynn's Mom & Dad, Sister & Brother-In-Law & her nephew Jordan were all there. The 'rents took off about an hour after dinner, the BIL went down stairs to lay on the couch, her sister went to bed to sleep off her illness so we just hung out with her nephew Jordan for a few hours.

Then we headed over to my Dad & Stepmom's house. We ate, drank and we were merry! Everything was sooooo good and I was so ill after I had dinner, it was unbelievable. My Dad, Stepmom, Brother, Sister-In-Law and her Mom were all there. We sat around for quite a while just drinking wine, talking, watching football. Then my brother and my stepmom finished preparing dinner. This is my brother... going all Kung Fu on the turkey. Love the purple gloves Jay. LOL

After my Dad's house, we packed up and headed to my Mom & Stepdad's place for dessert. I was so miserable that I only had a sliver of carrot cake and then sat in a stooper for an hour. I was so tired by the time we left all I wanted to do was get home and pass out.

We got home about 10:00PM and it didn't take long for my head to hit the pillow. I was OUT.

All in all, it was a great day and I enjoyed every minute spent with each family. After all, that's what it's all about, right?

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Check it, Yo

Paul English is my new best friend.

This is the SHIT.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Fall is here

Or maybe not. It's supposed to be 80 degrees in good ol' Kansas today. What the hell is up with that shit? It's November 3rd for cryin out loud! Bring on the cold!

Regardless of the temperature, there is another reason I'm totally stoked because fall has arrived.

College Basketball.

There is something about the sport of basketball that puts me in some sort of trance. I absolutely love this time of year when the games start popping up on television. Now, I'm a die hard Kansas fan but I will pretty much watch any and every game and it takes MUCH precedence over any other TV program that's on. My dad has even purchased season tickets to the KU women's basketball games for Brynn and me. We'll be busy this fall and into the new year.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Ever feel the need to blog?

But there is just nothing to say?

If I only had...

An iPod. I would be so very happy.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

I love this kid!

My best friend's (see below right) little girl, my niece, Pryscilla. She's so damn precious!

Happy Birthday, Dear Friend

I know it's a day late, but I was with you last night so that's my excuse for not posting it yesterday. I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday and I can't wait to spend many more with you.

Fourteen years ago we were enemies but that didn't last long as immature bickering went out the window and silly youth walked right in. We became friends in Dr. Jehle's social studies class and we haven't turned back since. Sure we've had our up and down moments, everyone does, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. We are who we are today because of two things, our families and each other. There are so many things that I would have never done in my life if it hadn't been for you. You taught me a lot of about life and especially how to live it well, live for the moment.

Happy Birthday dear friend, I love you.

I only have four more words for you...
I Love. 96 Cents.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

You know you're getting old when...

People who party keep you awake. The people who live in back of us decided they were going to have a party last night and while that's all fine and dandy, I was fuckin TIRED when my head hit the pillow and all I could do was cat nap. For one, the big black wonder dog had to bark at every single noise that these people made. I yelled at her for a while and then tried to go back to sleep, no luck. Around 1:00 I decided to just get up and mess around on my computer while watching MTV Hits videos (which have all sucked BTW) and here I sit at 4:47AM, still awake... still listening to these people party. Have some fucking consideration people! Christ!

I suppose I should try and get some sleep, I'll be miserable tonight at my best friends 27th surprise birthday party if I don't crash and get some z's now.

Night night.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Seven Deadly Sins

Stolen fair & square from Shayna.


1. Who did you last get angry with? Tim - An employee in training.

2. What is your weapon of choice? Golf club

3. Would you hit a member of the opposite sex? If I had to.

4. How about of the same sex? Hell yeah, women can be bitches!

5. Who was the last person who got really angry at you? I'm not really sure, probably Brynn

6. What is your pet peeve? Drivers pulling in front of me when clearly there is NO ONE behind me and they have a clear shot after I pass! I hate having to slow down for those fuckers. You know who you are!

7. Do you keep grudges, or can you let them go easily? I hold grudges, but they pass pretty quickly.


1. What is one thing you're supposed to do daily that you haven't done in a while? LOL There are tons of things I should do on a daily basis that I don't do!

2. What is the latest you've ever woken up? 6:30PM

3. Name a person you've been meaning to contact, but haven't? I've got nothin here.

4. What is the last lame excuse you made? "I've been too busy" haha

5. Have you ever watched an infomercial all the way through (one of the long ones?)? Of course! Some kind of carpet cleaner stuff.

6. When was the last time you got a good workout in? Depends on the workout.. Monday night.

7. How many times did you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock today? Once


1. What is your overpriced yuppie beverage of choice? Carmel Macchiato

2. Meat eaters? Chicken

3. What is the greatest amount of alcohol you've had in one sitting/outing/event? Beer at field parties in high school OR FlirtFest in Chicago, 1999? I think it was 99.

4. Have you ever used a professional diet company? Yep! Weight Watchers

5. Do you have an issue with your weight? I don't have an issue, my knees tell me otherwise

6. Do you prefer sweets, salty foods, or spicy foods? Sweet & Salty please

7. Have you ever looked at a small pet or child and thought, "LUNCH"? Ew, NO!


1. How many people have you seen naked (not counting movies/family)? Uh, five or six?

2. How many people have seen YOU naked (not counting physicians/family)? LOL

3. Have you ever caught yourself staring at the chest/crotch of a member of your gender of choice during a normal conversation? Hell yeah!

4. Have you done "it"? Lots and lots!

5. What is your favourite body part on a person of your gender of choice? Eyes & smile

6. Have you ever been propositioned by a prostitute? No

7. Have you ever had to get tested for an STD or pregnancy? I was tested, but only due to the physicians normal procedure.


1. How many credit cards do you own? ZERO

2. What's your guilty pleasure store? God, Best Buy

3. If you had $1 million, what would you do with it? Build a house, buy a couple cars, invest, take some vacation.

4. Would you rather be rich or famous? Famous, cuz if I was famous, I'd be RICH.

5. Would you accept a boring job if it meant you would make megabucks? Sure!

6. Have you ever stolen anything? Unfortunately, yes

7. How many MP3s are on your hard drive? Thousands yo, all legal! woo!


1. What's one thing you have done that you're most proud of? Bought a house

2. What's one thing you have done that your parents are most proud of? Graduate from high school, fulfilling career, house

3. What's one thing would you like to accomplish in your life? Children

4. Do you get annoyed by coming in second place? Not really

5. Have you ever entered a contest of skill, knowing you were of much higher skill than all the other competitors? I don't think so

6. Have you ever cheated on something to get a higher score? Maybe once in High School

7. What did you do today that you're proud of? Nothing yet but the day isn't over


1. What item (or person) of your friends would you most want to have for your own? Nice new car

2. Who would you want to go on "Trading Spaces" with? Brynn!

3. If you could be anyone else in the world, who would you be? It ain't easy bein me, but I'll take it over bein someone else. Everyone has their own shit to deal with!

4. Have you ever been cheated on? Yes

5. Have you ever wished you had a physical feature different from your own? Yes

6. What inborn trait do you see in others that you wish you had for yourself? I wish I was more relaxed

7. Finally, what is your favourite deadly sin? Gluttony

Saturday, October 08, 2005

A "Google" of a Game

Here's how it works: Go to Google and enter your name followed by the word "needs," and then record your top 5 funniest results. If your name is John, enter in "John needs" and then list the top results in your blog. Ya dig?

Here are mine, in no particular order (although I think #3 is my favorite).

1. Jessica needs to rethink her positionon doing adult films.

2. Jessica needs to spend lots of time just kissing Helen in order to get used to the idea.

3. Jessica needs fake titties and then she would be perfect.

4. Jessica needs her own reality tv series.

5. Jessica needs nibbly things.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

This just in...

Random stuff for the day…

  • I watch entirely too much televion.

  • I love pot.

  • Cats are bitches.

Saturday, September 24, 2005


Bored. I am very bored today. I've organized all my Favorites on my computer, I went through all of my saved mail (over 1000+ messages). I've watched TV, I've listened to music. I just can't find the 'right' thing to do. Mowing the lawn seems the most logical, but it's fucking humid and hot. I hate humid and hot.

I was so worried about my good friend D who lives just outside of Galveston. Found that she was able to evacuate (only through reading her blog) and after seeing that the storm shifted and moved away from a direct hit on Galveston, I was so relieved. I have visited Galveston several times and absolutely love that town. It was weird seeing pictures on television and being able to point out familiar places.

Wow... that's really all I've got.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Our girls!

Rainy Tuesday - Random Stuff

It's raining outside today. We've been blessed with several days of complete and HOT sunshine but finally, some rain. Normally rainy days make me happy but today, I'm just downright grumpy.

I stayed home from work yesterday because I didn't sleep very well the night before and I was pretty much just lazy. I was tired and didn't really feel like getting up. I should have picked today! Today would have been fantastic, laying in bed watching the rain fall. Ahh..

I'm playing catch up at work today and thankfully it's not too terribly bad. Sometimes when I miss a day or two it's like I'm playing catch up for a week before things are running smooth again.

I'm sad for Katrina victims, families & animals. It's not one person's fault that this happened, you can't control Mother Nature. I'm tired of the Liberals being blamed for blaming Bush and I'm tired of the Bush backers blaming the Liberals. It's a two way street and as long as we are in America, blame will probably be pushed all over the place. Interesting how
Bush took responsibility for the failures of the U.S. Federal Government. In his words: "Katrina exposed serious problems in our response capability at all levels of government and to the extent the federal government didn't fully do its job right, I take responsibility," I'm just tired of it, let us all work together and help the people instead of pushing blame. LOL Can't we all just get along?

The Dave Matthews Band concert was fantastic. The setlist wasn't as great as last years show but being five rows back didn't hurt anything. It was so amazing. My friend Shayna was contacted by
The Warehouse on the Friday before the show and was granted passes into the Meet & Greet. Shayna and her husband John actually met through a Dave Matthews Band e-mail list and met in San Francisco for the first time. So anyway, they went back stage and they were allowed in two items to be signed so Brynn and I worked on a graphic and Shayna was able to take it in to be signed. Well she was telling Dave the story of how they (John & Shayna) met and so as he was signing my poster, he wrote "Jessica, "a peace sign" & congratulations, Dave Matthews." He put congrats on mine when it should have been on hers. Lay off the pot Dave. teehee.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Please Help Them

I have tried to stay away from the television and web sites where photo's and videos of refugee's & animals are posted. The more I think about this stuff, the more it breaks my heart. I know everyone and their mother has pretty much blogged about this situation and everyone has an opinion. This isn't really an opinionated post, this is more like a plea for help.

I can't STAND to look at or read any articles about the animals & the families who had to leave them behind. It's killing me... bringing to me tears every time I think about it. Trust me when I say, I have a heart about the humans that are suffering as well but for the majority of them, they understand what is going on and the majority of rescue efforts are geared towards the people. These animals don't understand what is happening to them. Animal rescuers can hear dogs barking for miles! Just heartbreaking.

I don't have a lot of money but I am willing to give any extra amount that I have to the Humane Society of the United States. I want these animals safe. I want them home with their families. If I can adopt a dog, just to give it a good home after all of this, I will.

Please help these animals if you can. Donate a buck, donate two dollars, five.. whatever you can afford. They need help too.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


I am so completely stoked. My friend Shayna found two tickets to the Dave Matthews Band show next Wednesday. Typically we buy tickets but for the past couple of years we just kind of wait around to see if anything good comes up.

I emailed her last week to find out if she had any extras and she didn't but told me she would check around. She e-mailed me today and said that a friend of hers (Bob) had Section 3 Row 5 tickets. Did you hear me? I said... SECTION 3 ROW 5! HOLY SHIT! Throughout the years, I've gotten closer and closer and this year... prime seats.

It's weird, I'm such a DMB fan and the live show experience never gets old for me. It's something that Brynn and I share every year and it was one of the first concerts that we ever went to. We actually traveled to Chicago and saw them at Soldier Field. It was one of the greatest times I've ever had in my life. I lose myself for three hours when I go and see my boys Dave, Stefan, Carter, Boyd & Roi.

I owe Shayna. Yes I do.

Thursday, August 25, 2005


For I have blogged!

Damn, I have been so out of the bloggin loop it's just mad crazy. I try, really I do but I have absolutely nothing to say and I cannot force it otherwise it will appear as if I DID force it and then it won't be enjoyable at all. Run on much? mkay.

Anyway, tonight I got home from work and we had the usual routine. Change clothes, talk for a minute or two and then discuss what we are going to have for dinner. Tonight, hot dogs. We typically grill them because Brynn really doesn't like them any other way. Brynn is the griller in the family so I don't usually bother but I will go outside and sit with her while she cooks. It's been raining so damn much here in Kansas that we put our patio umbrella down and it's been down for several days. The sun was peeking out tonight so I decided to open it back up. As I opened it, I noticed two grasshoppers just hangin out on the inside of it. Although, not only were they hangin out, they were doing their little grass hopper mating thing. Those fuckers were humpin away! Mind you, there was no ass movement, there was no movement at all, but those insects were spawning! We took pictures.

That was pretty much the excitement for the evening. It's been so humid & wet outside that we've pretty much stayed in. We watch hours upon hours of reality television and it's sick really. Just sick. I've added a bit about each one. Please don't think any less of me for being a reality tv junkie. Everyone has to have a hobby, right?

Sunday: We usually play catch up with all the shows we missed during the rest of the week. The only shows we really like to watch on Sundays are
The L Word and Queer As Folk but neither of those are on right now.

Monday: There ain't SHIZAT on Monday night. Except
The Closer and it's not a reality TV show but it's a damn good Kyra Sedgwick.. uh, I mean detective show.

Big Brother: People live together in a house and pretend that they are playing a game with integrity. Bullshit! They all lie! I would love to play this game.
The Real World: this show just gets worse and worse every time they release a new one. The first season it was the 'real world', raw stuff happenin in New York city. Now, you've got cocky, immature and horny college kids drinkin it up every single night. (We interrupt this blog to bring you this breaking news: I am watching Bobby Brown and I just witnessed Whitney Houston farting. I have seen enough to know I have seen too MUCH.) The Real World should have never stopped allowing 23-25 year olds. It was much better back in the day.

So You Think You Can Dance: Sixteen people compete to win a dance competition. I fucking love this shit. Cheesy Cheeserson, right here people. Look closely.
Brat Camp: There shitty kids get sent to wilderness camp called Sagewalk where they are basically torn to shreds emotionally and then built back up. Then they 'graduate' and get to go home to boarding school. Just watched the season finale tonight (thank god for DVR) and two of them went back to doin raunchy teenage shit and gettin in trouble.
Kathy Griffin - My Life on the D-List: Holy crap Kathy Griffin is hilarious. I've never really cared for her, but watching her show has kind of changed my perspective. There was one bit she did in one of her stand up routines where she said something like... "What's up with people who LOVED high school? They only loved it because those were the people that made my life hell! They picked on everyone and they were all mean as shit!" She is NOT lyin. I highly recommend this one if you can tolerate her for 30 minutes.
Battle of the Network Reality Stars: Oh my god!!!! Get jobs!!!!

Big Brother (Again): See above.
Being Bobby Brown: Bobby & Whitney are drunks. Crack is whack!

Friday: Party Time.

Biggity Brizzle: See above above..

Wow... So yeah, after reading this, we watch a lot of crap on TV.


* I won't outright admit that I watch this one.

Friday, August 12, 2005

I was forced!

Damn, I haven't blogged in 10 days. That's a record. (OK, maybe not) I was forced by my good friend DeAnna to update my blog. I really just don't have anything to say.

The final episode of Queer As Folk aired on Showtime last Sunday night. During one of the final scenes, Justin & Brian were having a *ahem* 'moment' and the most fantasticly eerie song was playing. It's called "Ambition" by the Doves. I absolutely love it. In fact, I'm listening to it right now!

Let's see...tonight, on my way home from work I could see in the distance that it looked like it might rain. As I got closer to home, it was pitch black and the only thing that went through my mind was, "Holy Shit". I seriously thought a tornado or something was going to just fall out of the sky. I took pictures with my phone but who knows how those will turn out. I'll post them later.

That's it... I got nothin else. Oh yeah, I hate George Bush.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Hell. Yeah.

Jessica got a FAT ASS bonus today. Which in turn, led to this purchase:

I have been wanting a new one of these for a long ass time and I got a kick ass deal. A $200 dollar rebate on an already great price.

Damn I'm stoked!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Kenzie was born ten and a half years ago, late in my Aunt & Uncle's marriage. They already had Keisha who was ten when Kenzie was born so... obviously, they are ten years apart. Anyhow, they have always been WAY into dancing and I just recently found out that this lil stinker's dance squad went to New York City over the 4th of July and took FIRST place in a National dance competition. Not only that, her squad was on the Today show and got to meet Katie Couric and Matt Lauer.

As you found out WAY below... she dressed as Mike from Monsters, Inc. She also put on this cow costume and walked around on all fours pretending to actually BE a cow and eat grass. LOL!

This is her being cute, doin the splits and also sledding down a sand pile that my Uncle was working hauling down to their beach. Oh yeah... and she was catching toads and taunting me with them. LOL I don't have pictures of that... fortunately.


I was born in Michigan but when I was four my dad was transferred to Kentucky where we lived for a year. Then right after my fifth birthday we moved to Kansas. I did all my growing up here and we typically visited Michigan every couple of years. My family would come down as well but I never really got the privilege of growing up with my family near.

Whenever we would go to visit we would always spend lots of time with Grandma & Grandpa. My Grandpa passed away on November 6th, 2004 so I had to go back up for the funeral after I had just been with Brynn in September. It was heartbreaking seeing my Grandma so sad. Anyways, when we would leave to go home on our trip, my Grandma always stood outside on her porch and waved goodbye. It was the one true memory that I will always keep of my Grandma... that and the day we laughed so hard at the complete NASTINESS of a meatball sandwich from a bunk ass restaurant. Woops, got off track. Anyway... Grandma always used to wave goodbye. When Brynn and I were there in September (see below) I got a picture of it so that not only will I have it in my memory, I will always be able to see it and cherish it once she is gone.

Grandma will never read this, she isn't tech savvy at 85 but I felt I needed to say it anyway. I love you Grandma!


Back in September of 2004 Brynn and I took a trip to Michigan to see our families. That is one thing we had in common when we first met. We both had families there. We had so much fun and spent a lot of time with her family and then mine, went swimming, boating, had a huge camp fire. It was a blast. Here are some pictures from our trip we took tons of them while we were there but I just wanted to share a few.

This is on our way out of Kansas City... sorry it's blurry. It was early.

This is Grant man, flexin for the camera... sorry it's foggy. It was humid.

Parker Lane in the pool, this one actually turned out well!

Mmmm, wine... and it's FREE!

Back roads of Michigan, LOVE the trees.

The view from my Aunt & Uncle's kitchen window. Scram Lake (Yes that is really the name)

The view from their 'beach' on the lake. I call this: "Sunset after a rain."

Is it an alien? Well no, it's the Mike Wazowski from Monster's, Inc.

I take it back, it wasn't Mike Wazowski above, it was my cousin Kenzie.

I don't know

This one is pretty damn cute too.

The Rootah

How cute is this fucking dog? She's a bit ratty right now but she was out in the rain earlier. I took this about 30 minutes ago.

Friday, July 22, 2005


I am just testing this stupid ass font. I can't get this damn blog to recognize a specific font. If anyone reads this and knows how to do it. HELP ME!

School Supplies!

From the time I was just a wee child to even now, I have loved purchasing school supplies. My mom and I would go out shopping every year and pick out the long list of items that I had to have for school and it was my most favorite time of year. (Except when school actually let out for the summer!) I'll still occasionally walk through the school supplies isle just to get that feeling back of walking through the store with my mom.

Now that I am all grown up and I obviously don't have children, I get to enjoy buying for OTHER kids. Every year my company adopts several children from low income families and we buy school supplies for them. Brynn and I adopted two children this time around. A 6th grade little girl named Erika and a 3rd grade little boy named Frederick. We get a list of all the school supplies they need for the year as well as clothing & shoe sizes if they need them or if we request them.

I LOVE doing this, I love going out and buying the school supplies and little shirts & pants for the kids. It always makes me feel so good that even though I'm not providing for one of my own, that some child out there is getting what they need to get through the school year.

Hooray for weekends.

Clearly I don't have much to say since I haven't posted in a couple of days. I've been reading a LOT and that kinda keeps me away from the computer. We have decided that it is a movie weekend. We will have these from time to time where we rent a shit load of movies and sit on our asses ALL weekend. It's so freakin hot outside right now that we decided it was the perfect weekend to do this. Not sure what's out there as far as movies go, we really haven't done the whole 'movie weekend' thing in a really long time what with buying and fixing up a house.

I will probably end up posting what movies we rented & mini reviews towards the end of the weekend. But don't count on it. haha.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Has there ever been a time in your life when things have just suddenly changed for the better? Four and a half years ago my life was in complete shambles. I didn't have any type of direction, I was not in a solid relationship and I was very angry all of the time. I met Brynn online in February of 2001 and THAT is what changed me forever.

Like I mentioned above, Brynn and I met online in February of 2001. It was an accidental meeting, I was online surfin around (unhappy in my inebriated state) and I popped on to into the Kansas chat room. I was living in Iowa at the time but I knew that I would be moving back to Kansas soon so I thought, why not make some friends? When I joined, there were three people in there, including Brynn. The other two people must have been deep in conversation so I started talking to Brynn. We spoke of music, animals, things that make us happy, family... everything you could imagine. We talked for a LONG time that night. I couldn't stop thinking about her but I was in a current relationship (a VERY unhappy one) and I didn't want to cheat, but I didn't want to let her go either. We had so much in common right from the start that it seemed like some sort of cosmic force that pulled us together. I'm not one to believe much in things like that but I think that I found Brynn for a reason. She was just about to leave the chat room when I had joined up.

Things progressed with Brynn and I couldn't get enough of her. I was able to admit that I was in a relationship but that I would do anything to get out of it and be with her. I did break up with my ex not long after I met Brynn. I knew that the situation I was in was not going to last much longer anyway and I wanted to be the person to end it.

After several months of traveling, talking on the phone, e-mail, chat, etc... I moved home to Kansas and we moved in together. What's that joke about lesbians & u-hauls? (hehe) Anyhow, four and a half years later we are still going strong. This is where it gets mushy & gross, fair warning.

Brynn - From the moment that I met you online, I knew we had a special connection. The first time I looked into those big blue eyes I knew that those were the eyes I wanted to see every day for the rest of my life. I couldn't be any happier in my life than where I am at right now. You have brought back the person I once was and put to rest the person that I didn't like. You are the one true thing in this life that I could never live without. You are my laughter, my tears, my courage, my fear.. my everything. I promise you that I will never do anything to hurt you and I will always strive to make our lives happy and full. You have made my life complete.

I love you.

Saturday, July 16, 2005


I have been in quite the mood to read over the past few weeks and I have read several books that I have enjoyed. During the summer months I tend to read a little more because it's so damn hot outside that I can't hardly stand to be out there. Then in the fall, my time outdoors increases and we take walks, take the dogs to the park, etc. Winter comes and it's back to reading. Here is a small list of the books that I have read in the past two weeks.

Half Moon Scar - Allison Green
The Best of Friends - R.J. Stevens
One for the Money - Janet Evonovich
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants - Ann Brashares

Up Next -
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince - J.K. Rowling
Fingersmith - Sarah Waters
Holy Hell - Elizabeth Sims

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Brynn and I love Farrah!

That is all. :) Don't fuss Sybil, we were only jokin with ya.

Birthday Weekend

It's been a while since I've posted anything. I guess I have either been extremely busy or just lazy. Two completely different ends of the spectrum eh? Oh well.

Friday the 8th was my 26th birthday and it was a fantastic day. While I was getting ready for work, Brynn made chocolate chip muffins and had them in "Happy Birthday" muffin cups which were so incredibly cute. On to work I went where I only had to spend a half day, thank goodness. My company is kind enough to give a half day of vacation on your birthday so I high tailed it out of there around noon. I was anticipating that Brynn would already be home from work (she scheduled a half day as well) but when I got home, the house was empty. Although I did have two of the cutest puppy dogs sleepily greet me at the door. When Brynn got home, I was told to stay in the back of the house while she prepared my birthday gift. When I walked into the kitchen, she had a small birthday cake with the "2" & "6" candles ready to be wished upon. I then got to open my cards and birthday gift. I received a PINK Boston Red Sox hat (and YES, I wanted it pink) and a new CD holder that fits onto the visor in my car. This one is special though, it has a Kansas Jayhawk on it so when you flip it down, it can be seen by all. Tight stuff, I'm tellin ya! I loved both of my gifts!

After a while, we decided to run out and get our KU Volleyball season tickets ordered and then head off to Borders Books to pick out some more stuff for my birthday. I got about four different books and then we headed back home.

My grumpy ass decided to lay down to read but I fell asleep for a good three hours and I had to get up and get ready for my birthday dinner. Brynn was trying to keep everything a surprise but she can't fool me. My mom & step-dad came out for dinner and it was a big 'secret' even though I figured it out. When I had talked with my mom earlier in the week she said she couldn't come out and I thought... "OK... when has she EVER declined seeing me on my birthday?". Umm... never. So, we had a nice dinner with my mom and step-dad and then took a drive out into the country where we had the windows down and cruised along rural roads listening to Jason Mraz. It was very peaceful and I enjoyed every minute with my girl because she always makes my birthday so special.

On Saturday, we did a lot of yard work, cleaned the house and then prepared for our "House warming/Birthday" party. We had about 15 people there and it was a blast with a lot of laughs. (Hey? Did that rhyme?)

Sunday, we hung around the house and then decided to go to my Dad's house for the afternoon. We ate chicken & watermelon (along with some other stuff), watched TV and just kinda chilled out. Brynn and I were both nursing tiny hangovers so it was nice just to relax.

It was a great weekend and I enjoyed all the time I got to spend with family & friends. Plus I get to start fresh on a whole new year.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

A little miffed.

This morning I was on my way to work and I saw a Jeep Cherokee with the license plate "DMBLND". I'm assuming that meant Dave Matthews Band Land but the thing that struck me as odd... she had a Bush/Cheney sticker on her window.

DMB is SO opposite of what Bush and his cronies stand for.

What is this person thinking? It's a bit of a slap in the face for me, I'm so anti-GW that I find it embarassing that another fan of DMB is a Bush Backer.


Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Bush In Drag.

I think the picture speaks for itself.


Monday, July 04, 2005

Happy 4th!

The 4th of July has always been on of my favorite holidays. Strictly because I love the fireworks and all the stuff that goes along with it. Hot dogs, beer, etc etc.

We will be staying in tonight... our dogs completely wig out at the sound of anything loud so we want to make sure that everything stays OK here on the home front.

I've been doing some additional work to another
blog for my family & friends to see all the progress that is being done to our house. It is a work in progress so check back often!

Still plenty left to do and right now it's in the 'funny lookin' stage. It certainly needs some color & landscaping. That's next on the list!

That's all I know for today!

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Boredom has set in.

A- Age: 25

B- Band you're listening to: Indigo Girls

C- Crush: Forever crush on my one and only Brynn

D- Dad's name: Marcus

E- Easiest person to talk to: Brynn

F- Favorite ice cream: Not a fan but if I have to choose, Chocolate

G- Gummy worms or gummy bears?: Yuck

H- Hometown: Born in Greenville, MI - Grew up in Shawnee Mission, KS

I- Instruments: Guitar, Clarinet, Saxaphone, Trumpet, Radiooo

J- Junior high: Antioch Middle School

K- Kids: Don't have any

L- Longest car ride ever: Overland Park, KS to Orlando, FL

M- Mom's name: Sandra

N- Nicknames: Jess, Jessie, Jessa, Jessimica, Jessimer

O- One wish: To be with the one I love forever.

P- Phobia[s]: Needles, Doctors, Heights... I could go on and on.

Q- Quote from you: Hollah!

R- Reason to smile: Brynn, Waking up every morning, my dogs

S- Song you sang last: Least Complicated - Indigo Girls

T- Time you woke up today: 8:34AM

U- Unknown fact about me: I can juggle.

V- Vegetable[s]- Mmm.. love veggies. Favorite is Cucumber.

W- Worst habit: Used to be smoking, biting nails. I have quit both of those.

X- X-rays you've had: Thumb & Ankle

Y - Years since you've been to church?: 13?

Z- Zodiac sign: Cancer

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Rabid Beasts!

OK... so a squirrel isn't a beast but I wanted to capture your attention. Last night, we're sitting down watching Kinsey and we hear sirens. I didn't pay any attention to it until it started coming down our street and then I noticed it was an ambulance. Five minutes later, a fire truck follows. It went down to the other end of the street and well, I was too lazy to walk down there and be the nozy ass that I am so I just went back inside.

About an hour later... we're still watching the movie and there is a knock on the front door. This is about 9:30PM and we thought it was kinda weird considering we don't really know anyone in the neighborhood yet. (Side Note: If you have ever seen the movie "Kinsey" you know it's filled with a bunch of sex stuff... the particular part in the movie was talking about QUEERS *gasp* and our front windows were open so I'm sure the neighbors appreciated fag speak when they walked up. haha.) Anyway! The neighbor who showed up, her name is Rachel (I'm not about keeping identities safe, just so you know) and she was like... "I just thought ya'll should know that a squirrel with rabies bit a kid down the street and I know you have dogs so I thought you should know and I also feed the squirrels so I was a little worried myself...". Oh my GOD. She talked for five minutes about this damn squirrel. I said.. "Well, that's what rabies shots are for! Night!"

I hope the kid is OK.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Highlights of my week.

Not in any particular order.

1. Several compliments on my new hair cut.
2. Kitchen is slowly coming together with drawers & cabinet doors.
3. Will be moving to Salary instead of hourly.
4. Note above: Nice. big. fat. raise.
5. Lots of rain, smaller water bill.
6. Three extra hours of not working to go out and buy THIS. (Sorry you can't see it very well, it's a picture of downtown Kansas City)
7. Early birthday card from Grandma with 50 bucks in it.
8. It's Friday.
9. Still Friday.
10. Three day weekend!


I don't typically drink a whole lot of coffee. Generally it's a mug full in the morning and that's satisfying enough to get me through the day. I will make it in the morning before I leave for work, sip on it throughout the drive and then finish it up during my morning. (I love my Starbucks mug, keeps things nice and toasty!). Sometimes I will venture into our lil break room area and pour another cup, add a little cream and sugar and be on my way.
I walked into the break room yesterday and there was a cup sitting next to the coffee maker with plastic stir dealies, sitting in coffee infested DIRTY water. I couldn't believe what I was seeing... who wouldn't go out and buy some of those disposable stirrers so that people aren't using germ infested plastic utensils that have been sitting in dirty water for GOD knows how long? I'm so lucky that my mug has a nice tight lid that I can just shake up my coffee to mix in the perfect blend of cream & sugar.

On a side note: I will not be having coffee from there ever again. That totally turned me off to the whole 'company coffee'. Yuck.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Do you ever just wake up in the morning and have that feeling like it's going to be a SHITTY day? That is how my day started. I woke up this morning with a black dog (see below) laying in between Brynn and I panting her fool head off. Normally, my good wifey gets up with the dogs but I could tell this wasn't going to be the case this morning. Haha. I try to get up when I hear them to give her a break of having to do it every day but typically, once I am awake, I'm awake and then my foul mood sets in. Sometimes I can go back to sleep but this morning my mind wasn't working very well over the matter. ANYWAY. I went back to bed after letting the dogs out and feeding them... then I was in bed until 6:30 which wasn't very smart considering I should have been up by 6:00-6:10.

So I hurry around this morning, get ready and then the dogs are out of water. I could have told Brynn but I was already in a pissy mood and I didn't want to take it out on her even more so I just did it and filled up the neat auto water contraption thing.

My drive into work is typically about 30 minutes... mainly highway until I make my way into our industrial park. There is SO much construction happening right now that I don't know WHAT roads are open or closed. It's crazy. So I've been taking a route that appeared to be pretty clear every morning and I was able to make it within the 30 minute "commute" window. So, I'm driving down my normal road and I see that IT is now closed. No signage, nothin. It is a service road so you can't turn off of it, you have to turn AROUND and then find another route. This added on an additional 15 minutes to my drive. I swear, there are two seasons in Kansas... Winter & Construction.

So, anyway... as it stands, my day appears to be gettng slightly better but it IS only 9:25... things can change very rapidly around here.

I'll keep ya posted.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Monday, June 27, 2005

They are just NOW disapproving?

Scary Terrier!

Run... run fast! Garbo, our scruffy schnauzer. She's really not this scary. :)

My dog Bella turned 5 on Friday. How cute is she?!

It didn't last.

I don't even know when I made my first initial entry. I just looked at it but didn't pay any attention to the date. Clearly I didn't keep up on my end of the deal... I suck.

In other news: I was introduced to by my girl Brynn and I can't stop reading it. I'm addicted to it... not to mention that it keeps me busy while 'working'. The chick who blogs, Heather, is hilarious.

Monday, March 28, 2005

No leader, just a follower

Well, I guess I have to admit. I am a big follower. I have ignored all of this blog stuff for many days/months/years but I can't take it any longer. I must blog.