Sunday, September 17, 2006

Supply and Demand

Amos Lee will be releasing a new album.

I'm so happy. I looooooooove me some Amos Lee.

One Word Survey

Here's how it works.
You can only type ONE WORD!
NO explanations!

1. Yourself: Cold
3. Your hair? Red
4. four? Huh
5. Your Father? Humorous
6. Your Favorite Item? iPod
7. Your dream last night? None
8. Your Favorite drink? Water
9. Your Dream Car? Acura
10. The Room You Are In? Living
11. Your Ex? Cheater
12. Your fear? Heights
13. Where you want to be in 10 years? Here
14. Who you hung out with Yesterday? Brynn
15. What You're Not? Mean
17. One of Your Wish List Items? Pool
18. Last thing you did? 17
20. What You Are Wearing? Hoodie
21. Your Favorite Weather? Fall
22. Your Favorite book? Dunno
23. The Last Thing You ate? Eggs
24. Your Life right now? Full
25. Your Mood? Somber
26. What are you thinking about right now? Football

Saturday, August 12, 2006

The ABC's of me...

A is for age: 27

B is for beer of choice: Boulevard Wheat

C is for career: Customer Service

D is for your dog's name: Bella & Garbo

E is for essential item you use everyday: iPod

F is for favorite fast food place: Wendy's

G is for favorite game: Snood

H is for Hometown: Lawrence, KS

I is for instruments you play: Guitar, Clarinet, Trumpet

J is for favorite juice: Apple

K is for who you would like to kiss: Brynn

L is for last place you ate: At Home

M is for favorite movies: One of them, You've Got Mail

N is for full name: Jessica Marie Hansen

O is for overnight hospital stays: Zero

P is for phobias: Heights, Spiders, Wasps

Q is for quote: "Eat, Drink & Be Merry"

R is for your biggest regret: I don't have one yet.

S is for status: Partnered

T is for time you wake up: 6ish

U is for underwear you're currently wearing: Uhh....

V is for vegetable you love: Cucumbers

W is for worst habit: Occasionally I'll bite my nails

X is for x-rays you've had: Foot & Hand

Y is for yummy food you ate today: I haven't eaten yet

Z is for zodiac sign: Cancer

Monday, July 03, 2006

Happy 3rd?

Not really. I wonder if the majority of the population is working today. It certainly doesn't feel like it.

I know I'm at work... and it sucks.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Motivation & Renovation

I haven't been the slightest bit motivated to start working on my house. I guess the first thing it takes is money, which I don't have a whole lot of at this point. I'll get there, eventually. I just don't feel like spending a zillion days working down in my basement trying to filter through twenty seven years of junk that I've collected. Bleh.

On the other hand, I *was* motivated to redesign my blog. You likey?

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Miss me?

So, you may have thought that I died from heart break becuase my Lady Jayhawks were unable to handle the pressure. Never fear, I'm still here.

Things have been mad crazy lately. Brynn was promoted at work and now she's "Meeting Girl" and constantly in meetings. She leaves early for work and comes home late. We bought a new truck (SUV) so we've been enjoying that quite a bit. I finally got rid of my old Honda Accord. It was quite sad. Right after we got the truck we had a huge hail storm come through and guess what? That's right, hail damage on the new vehicle. We also got quite a bit of hail damage on our house so we had to turn in some claims to the insurance company for the roof, siding and gutters. Fun stuff.

We've been hanging out quite a bit with our good friends R and D. They have a little girl named Ella who is the cutest thing EVER. We baby sit all the time and silently wish she was ours. LOL She looooves airplanes so we took her to the Lawrence Air Field and she got to sit in one. She's such a great kid!

Other than that... we just hang. We're getting ready to do some major renovations to our house so this will probably be the only post anyone sees in a while. I'll try to be better.

Friday, March 03, 2006

And... they lost.

They choked. They lost 62-44.

That's all.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Big Game

I think I've talked about this topic before but I'm bored at work today so I thought I would write a lil sumpin sumpin.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a HUGE college basketball fan. I'll watch any kind of college b-ball no matter if it is women's or men's.

Anyway... my favorite college out there is Kansas University. They have so much rich basketball history, the fans are phenominal, the players are great (for the most part) and the traditions are amazing. Brynn and I have season tickets to the women's basketball games so we've been supporting the team all season long. They started out at 12-0 and made KU B-Ball history with the best start in women's basketball for the school and then they took a turn for the worse. They lost several away games, they looked flat and appeared as if they had just run out of gas.

Now, I'm a die hard fan and I'll stick behind my girls. Brynn and I went up to K-State (our in-state rival) and watched our team basically fall apart for the first half and the majority of the second. Something in them sparked and they came back to cut a huge lead to a small one and there was a *slight* chance that we might be able to pull out a win and break a eight game losing streak against the 'Cats. No such luck, they beat us and we walked away with another defeat.

Tonight, the Wildcats come to Allen Fieldhouse and I think our girls are ready. It's going to be a tough game but I KNOW that we can pull out the win and break the losing streak against them. K-State has lost four straight games and we have won two of the last couple that we have played. It is Senior night tonight and it's going to be tough saying goodbye to three great players that have played their heart out for a new coach.

This team is on the way, with all the struggles they have gone through this season, they will step into the next one with confidence and a chance to keeping the ball rolling on something great.

Rock Chalk Jayhawk - Go KU!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Tour Dates

The Dave Matthews Band announced their Spring & Summer tour dates this morning. My friend Shayna e-mails me first thing this morning and says "We're going to St. Louis and KC, you comin" (or something like that). Oh yeah, we're SO totally in. So... May 30th we'll be in St. Louis for show #1, then travel home on the 31st and see them in KC for show #2. I'm way excited!

Friday, February 10, 2006

New Toy

I've done it... I've become a sheep, I've crashed under the techno pressure. I bought an iPOD. I do not regret it and I am in complete love. This thing is absolutely beautiful. So sleek, so black... so shiny.. Yummy.

60 Gig bitches.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

5 Fun Things

Five Jobs
1. Baby sitter

2. Coin Roller at a bank (Part time high school job)
3. Waitress
4. Internet Tech Support
5. Customer Care

Five Movies
1. A Leauge of Their Own
2. With Honor
3. Rudy
4. Hoosiers
5. Apollo 13

Five Places I've Lived
1. Greenville, MI
2. Shawnee Mission, KS
3. Cabot, AR
4. Des Moines, IA
5. Lawrence, KS

Five TV Shows
1. Friends
2. The Daily Show
3. How I Met Your Mother
4. The L Word
5. Weeds

Five Places I've Vacationed
1. Houston, TX
2. Dallas, TX
3. Memphis, TN
4. Orlando, FL
5. Daytona, FL

Five Web Sites I Visit Daily
1. CNN -
2. LJ World -
3. KU Sports -
4. College Sports -
5. Dooce -

Five Favorite Foods
1. Pizza
2. Tacos
3. Thin Mint Cookies
4. Sun Chips
5. Potatoes! Cook em up any way!

Five Places I'd Rather Be
1. In bed
2. Not at work
3. With family
4. Fishing? LOL - kidding
5. Somewhere WARM

Five Albums I Can't Live Without
1. Melissa Etheridge - Brave & Crazy
2. Indigo Girls - Become You
3. Dave Matthews Band - Live Compilation
4. Gavin DeGraw - Chariot Stripped
5. 80's Music - Monster Ballads (LOL)

When there is nothing else to say...

Getting to know you... v. 2006

1. What time did you get up this morning? 7:50

2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds

3 What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Glory Road

4. What is your favorite TV show? The L Word

5. What did you have for breakfast? Nothing

6. What is your middle name? Marie

7. What is your favorite cuisine? Authentic Mexican

8. What foods do you dislike? Fish

9. Your favorite Potato chip? Sun Chips

10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Gavin DeGraw - Chariot Stripped

11. What kind of car do you drive? 1999 Chevy Cavalier

12. Favorite sandwich? Turkey breast with mayo

13. What characteristics do you despise? Lying

14. Favorite item of clothing? My collection of K-Swiss tennis shoes

15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation,where would you go? Australia

16. What color is your bathroom? Grey (We haven't remodeled it yet!)

17. Favorite brand of clothing? Old Navy

18. Where would you want to retire to? When I'm old... somewhere sorta warm but not HOT.

19. Favorite time of day? Bed time.

20. Where were you born? Greenville, MI

21. Favorite sport to watch? College Basketball

22. What laundry detergent do you use? Tide - Cold water

23. Coke or Pepsi? Coke

24. Are you a morning person or night owl? Night owl

25. What size shoe do you wear? 8

26. Do you have pets? Yes - 5, 2 Dogs and 3 Cats

27. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with everyone? Um... no.

28. What did you want to be when you were little? A child psychiatrist

29. Favorite Candy Bar? Dark Chocolate Milky Way
30. What is your one of your best childhood memories? Running Friday afternoon errands with my mom

31. What are the different jobs you have had in your life? Babysitting, Coin Roller (at a bank), waitress, tech support.

32. What are your nicknames? Jess, Jessa, Jessimica, Jessimer, Beda (don't ask)

33. Piercing? Ears - 2 holes

34. Eye color? Blue

35. Ever been to Africa? No

36. Ever been toilet papering? Yes

37. Love someone so much it made you cry? Yes

38. Been in a car accident? Yes

39. Croutons or bacon bits? Croutons

40. Favorite day of the week? Friday

41. Favorite restaurant? El Mezcal

42. Favorite flower? Daisies

43. Favorite ice cream? Not a fan of Ice Cream but if I had to choose, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

44. Disney or Warner Brothers? Disney

45. Favorite fast food restaurant? McDonalds

46. What color is your bedroom carpet? No carpet, we have wood floors

47. How many times did you fail your driver's test? Zerooooooooo

48. Before this one, from whom did you get your last email? I don't know, I get a lot of list mail.

49. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Best Buy

50. What do you do when bored? Watch TV, play on the computer

51. What time is bedtime? Between 10 & 11

52. Last person you went to dinner with? Brynn

52. What are you listening to right now? A Kia Sportage commercial

53. What is your favorite color? Right now... PINK! (I never thought I would say that!)

54. Lake, Ocean or river? To swim in? None! To look at... Ocean

55. How many tattoos do you have? Zerooooooo

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Sorry Blogger

I am a very sorry blogger, I haven't posted in days. I'll say something soon.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year

Happy New Year folks... I'm way drunk. Thank god for spell checker.

I hope everyone has a fantastic night and stays safe.

2006 in the house!