Sunday, September 25, 2005

This just in...

Random stuff for the day…

  • I watch entirely too much televion.

  • I love pot.

  • Cats are bitches.

Saturday, September 24, 2005


Bored. I am very bored today. I've organized all my Favorites on my computer, I went through all of my saved mail (over 1000+ messages). I've watched TV, I've listened to music. I just can't find the 'right' thing to do. Mowing the lawn seems the most logical, but it's fucking humid and hot. I hate humid and hot.

I was so worried about my good friend D who lives just outside of Galveston. Found that she was able to evacuate (only through reading her blog) and after seeing that the storm shifted and moved away from a direct hit on Galveston, I was so relieved. I have visited Galveston several times and absolutely love that town. It was weird seeing pictures on television and being able to point out familiar places.

Wow... that's really all I've got.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Our girls!

Rainy Tuesday - Random Stuff

It's raining outside today. We've been blessed with several days of complete and HOT sunshine but finally, some rain. Normally rainy days make me happy but today, I'm just downright grumpy.

I stayed home from work yesterday because I didn't sleep very well the night before and I was pretty much just lazy. I was tired and didn't really feel like getting up. I should have picked today! Today would have been fantastic, laying in bed watching the rain fall. Ahh..

I'm playing catch up at work today and thankfully it's not too terribly bad. Sometimes when I miss a day or two it's like I'm playing catch up for a week before things are running smooth again.

I'm sad for Katrina victims, families & animals. It's not one person's fault that this happened, you can't control Mother Nature. I'm tired of the Liberals being blamed for blaming Bush and I'm tired of the Bush backers blaming the Liberals. It's a two way street and as long as we are in America, blame will probably be pushed all over the place. Interesting how
Bush took responsibility for the failures of the U.S. Federal Government. In his words: "Katrina exposed serious problems in our response capability at all levels of government and to the extent the federal government didn't fully do its job right, I take responsibility," I'm just tired of it, let us all work together and help the people instead of pushing blame. LOL Can't we all just get along?

The Dave Matthews Band concert was fantastic. The setlist wasn't as great as last years show but being five rows back didn't hurt anything. It was so amazing. My friend Shayna was contacted by
The Warehouse on the Friday before the show and was granted passes into the Meet & Greet. Shayna and her husband John actually met through a Dave Matthews Band e-mail list and met in San Francisco for the first time. So anyway, they went back stage and they were allowed in two items to be signed so Brynn and I worked on a graphic and Shayna was able to take it in to be signed. Well she was telling Dave the story of how they (John & Shayna) met and so as he was signing my poster, he wrote "Jessica, "a peace sign" & congratulations, Dave Matthews." He put congrats on mine when it should have been on hers. Lay off the pot Dave. teehee.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Please Help Them

I have tried to stay away from the television and web sites where photo's and videos of refugee's & animals are posted. The more I think about this stuff, the more it breaks my heart. I know everyone and their mother has pretty much blogged about this situation and everyone has an opinion. This isn't really an opinionated post, this is more like a plea for help.

I can't STAND to look at or read any articles about the animals & the families who had to leave them behind. It's killing me... bringing to me tears every time I think about it. Trust me when I say, I have a heart about the humans that are suffering as well but for the majority of them, they understand what is going on and the majority of rescue efforts are geared towards the people. These animals don't understand what is happening to them. Animal rescuers can hear dogs barking for miles! Just heartbreaking.

I don't have a lot of money but I am willing to give any extra amount that I have to the Humane Society of the United States. I want these animals safe. I want them home with their families. If I can adopt a dog, just to give it a good home after all of this, I will.

Please help these animals if you can. Donate a buck, donate two dollars, five.. whatever you can afford. They need help too.